Sunday, October 03, 2021


*breathes in*

I'm happy to announce that I'm getting married this year. 


I started this blog when I was just a teen. Now I'm turning 32 and marrying the man of my dreams. I don't know where he has been all my life, but right now he's on the phone with me. I went through the photos on this blog with him. Back when I was younger and skinnier. Back when my makeup was basic and shit. When my dressing was tacky and horrible. I went through various phases in my life and I ended up here, in 2021. 

2020 and 2021 have got to be the best years of my life. I met Lee on SKOUT in late 2019. We didn't know much about each other, other than that it was a short meeting between two souls, and then we went our separate ways. Little did we know our paths would cross again in mid 2020. I thought I would give it one last try, one last push after many failed dates. We pushed through and now we're here! 81 days away from our big day. I'm happy where I am. He knows what I've gone through and he chose to stick by me. He makes me laugh, he makes me happy. I swear I could never ask for more, cos I've gotten the best. Ever. 

23 December 2021. Mark it on your calendar! Remember, future Ery. Remember how happy and beautiful you looked on this day. 

Maybe my next update will be on my marriage life? Or when I'm already a mom? I hope that when I write in in a few years, I'm still happy building a life and a family with Lee. That I'll still be alright :) I'll check in in a few years! Till then, take care 💕